The Sustainability collection contains post content about how we utilising developing new ways of living in harmony with nature, powering our economy with renewable energy, and overall reducing our ecological footprint.
Rainwater harvesting

Water security: A call to action South Australia is a very dry landscape. Indeed, the South Australian Department of the Environment and Water (DEW) reminds us: Water is fundamental to our lives. It supports agriculture, beverage and food production, industries like mining, energy and construction, essential services such as our schools and hospitals, right through…
Water Management on the Fleurieu – A review of government agencies and legislation

Water management has long been an issue in South Australia. Some of it first legislation was to ensure the equitable distribution of water of landholders. Much of the water supply on the Fleurieu is sourced from ground and surface water by aquifers and dams respectively.
Lochiel Park – then and now

prior to 2004 The Lochiel Park property once belonged to a succession of orchardists and market gardeners, the first of which was Campbell. He originally built Lochend House which is now owned and maintained by the Campbelltown Council. The two storey Lochiel Park House was originally built by James Mundy in the 1850s. In 1947,…
Book review: The Big Switch

Fresh from publishing Electrify in 2021, a plan for decarbonising the US economy, Saul Griffith has returned to Australia after 20 years. Earlier this year, the Big Switch was published to give Australia its own plan to transform its economy to zero carbon. At the heart of Griffith’s plan is to take advantage of Australia’s…
Book review: The Green New Deal

The Green New Deal (2019) by Jeremy Rifkin is a roadmap for building a new economy underpinned by electricity generated through renewable energy from solar and wind technology and managed through smart grids. Building on earlier works The Green New Deal builds on works that Rifkin published in recent years. His popular The Third Industrial…
Long Distance Driving with EVs

The majority of trips a suburban driver makes in a day averages 40 kms, which is a round trip number. With this type of driving and having a charger installed at home, it is unlikely for EV drivers to suffer from range anxiety, the fear of running out of power between charging points. But what…