Living well

The Living Well collection provides information related to nurturing ourselves. This includes information about our wellbeing, including great sources of recipes, cuisines from around the world, as well as how find peace of mind in the pleasures of company and the natural environment.

Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater tanks

Water security: A call to action South Australia is a very dry landscape. Indeed, the South Australian Department of the Environment and Water (DEW) reminds us: Water is fundamental to our lives. It supports agriculture, beverage and food production, industries like mining, energy and construction, essential services such as our schools and hospitals, right through…

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Hummus is a Middle Eastern staple made from chickpeas and tahini. You can use hummus as a side condiment, as a dip for parties, and in sandwiches and wraps to replace butter. Below are the ingredients and the basic method of making hummus. Ingredients ¼ cup of tahini paste (hulled or unhulled) juice from one whole…

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Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater tanks

Water security: A call to action South Australia is a very dry landscape. Indeed, the South Australian Department of the Environment and Water (DEW) reminds us: Water is fundamental to our lives. It supports agriculture, beverage and food production, industries like mining, energy and construction, essential services such as our schools and hospitals, right through…

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Hummus is a Middle Eastern staple made from chickpeas and tahini. You can use hummus as a side condiment, as a dip for parties, and in sandwiches and wraps to replace butter. Below are the ingredients and the basic method of making hummus. Ingredients ¼ cup of tahini paste (hulled or unhulled) juice from one whole…

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